Police, Corrections, Prisons

Afro-American Police League Inventory of Museum collection

American Correctional Association: Professional association for corrections professionals.

Cell Block Visions: Art from behind the bars. “The degree of civilization in a society can be judged by entering its prisons.”

Cook County Department of Corrections: Cook County DoC is run by the Cook County Sheriffs Department. This link takes to the relevant page for information on the jail, inmate searches and historical information.

National Resource Center on Children and Families of the Incarcerated:  Resources for Children and families of the incarcerated.

Illinois Department of Corrections:  The official site of the IDOC.

National Association of Black Law Enforcement Officers:  The primary goal is to ensure that the safety and quality of life of the African American community is the equal of all other sectors of our many communities.”

National Black Police Association: A nationwide organization of African American Police Associations dedicated to the promotion of justice, fairness, and effectiveness in law enforcement.

Prison Fellowship International: Beyond Crime and Punishment: This global organization serves the Body of Christ in prisons and in the community in its ministry to prisoners, ex-prisoners, victims and their families; and in its advancement of biblical standards of justice in the criminal justice system.

Prisons Foundation: The Prisons Foundation is a nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting the arts and education behind bars and to working for law and prison reform.

Prison Legal News: An independent monthly publication that reports, reviews and analyzes court rulings and news related to prisoner rights and prison issues.

Center for Justoce & Reconciliation: Restorative justice emphasizes repairing the harm caused by crime. When victims, offenders and community members meet to decide how to do that, the results can be transformational.

Also Read:

Overcrowded and Going Broke: A Look Inside California’s Massive Prison System

Amy Goodman interviews University of Berkley professor Jonathan Simon, author of Governing Through Crime: How the War on Crime Transformed American Democracy and Created a Culture of Fear.

Interview with Wilder Kendric Berry

Howard Saffold interviews Wilder Kendric (Ken) Berry on the fragility of Justice, Incarceration and Making a New Life after Prison.